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Bladder is one of the most important elements of a football (soccer), which can affect the football in all different ways from air pressure, bounce of the ball, flight, shape and weight of the ball. There are mainly 3 types of bladder that football can possess – latex bladder, butyl bladder and synthetic rubber bladder. […]
The technology for making soccer ball (football) played a crucial role in determining the quality, performance, time to be made, and price. Many people are wondering if they should opt for thermal bonded balls, hand stitched balls, or machine stitched balls. To help you find the perfect match when you purchase them here is our […]
The structure of modern football is very complex, with detailed components from the inside to the outside, and high, middle and low-end footballs have differences in various components. But when you want to buy a football, this information can help you accurately locate the one you want. When purchasing, most of them are considered from […]
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